Dr Philip Wenger

expertalis managing partner Dr Philip Wenger has a broad candidate and client network and in-depth expertise in filling specialist and executive positions across many industries and functional areas. He is particularly fond of trade, industry, logistics, services and private equity.

In his doctoral thesis at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Free University of Berlin, the graduate in administrative science dealt in detail with mismatch issues when filling positions in companies. And after 20 years of experience on the job, he describes his work primarily as an interplay of communicative exchange and meticulous investigative work.

"I became a headhunter because it is a profession that really never gets boring. You constantly have to deal with new things: exciting assignments, challenging candidates and clients, and you bring both sides together step by step. And when you think you've seen it all, you meet another personality, a character, a situation that enriches you once more."

Als ehemaliges Gründungsmitglied der globalen Headhunting Corporation Future Manager World und heutiges Member im Board of Directors von Penrhyn International bringt Dr. Philip Wenger seine langjährige Erfahrung auch in den Rahmen internationaler Besetzungsmandate ein.

In his private life, the father of three enjoys travelling, playing tennis and golf or exploring his adopted home town Düsseldorf together with his wife and children.

We look forward to talking to you about your challenges in finding candidates.

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We look forward to talking to you about your challenges in finding candidates.